Tacoma Construction Blog

The Wilder Outdoor Spaces blog is a place to be inspired. We share the places we go, things that inspire us, designs we love, tricks of the trade and of course the construction projects we design and build in Tacoma, WA.

Tacoma Stories Blog Features Wilder Outdoor Spaces - Tacoma, WA

Our owner Alex recently did an interview with Jack Cameron over at the local blog Tacoma Stories. We transcribed the interview below for you to read here. Please do go and give Jack's site some love as well! He's got a ton of great content for you to check out and it's all dedicated to our beautiful city of Tacoma. Here's the interview:

1. What is Wilder Outdoor Spaces?

Technically, you could call us a Tacoma landscape company, but we don’t mow lawns, trim hedges or pull weeds. We construct creative outdoor spaces. We build custom fences, decks, walkways, patios, walls and just about anything else that our clients can think up.

2. What’s your background? 

First and foremost, I’m a creative. I’ve played music, shot photography, painted things, filled books with drawings/words, built stuff and traveled A LOT. I’ve made money by working in landscaping and construction my whole life. For the last several years I was the lead builder at local landscape company based in Seattle.

3. What makes Wilder Outdoor Spaces different than most landscaping companies? 

There are many things that make Wilder different. The first is that I am the one who does the work. I do the estimating and I am the one who builds the stuff. In my experience this simple rule eliminates all of the miscommunication that leads to problems.  Secondly, Wilder is the only Tacoma company focused solely on designing and building hardscape projects (fences, walkways, patios, etc). We don’t do maintenance, clean-ups, lawn mowing, tree trimming, etc. Lastly, we are the only Tacoma based company to my knowledge actually building modern design outdoor projects.

4. What’s the biggest misconception most people have about landscaping?

That’s an easy one. Whenever you say landscaping people just assume lawn mowing, tree trimming, weeding, etc. That’s why we don’t really use the term much, because we really don’t do any of those things.

5. Where can people see some of your work?

The best place to check us out is on our website www.wilderoutdoorspaces.com. We have lots of awesome photography of our work, we have the blog and of course how to get ahold of us. We also have Facebook (www.facebook.com/wilderoutdoorspaces) and Instagram (www.instagram.com/wilderoutdoorspaces) if you’re into those things!