Everyday we see tons of awesome outdoor projects on the internet that inspire us. We thought it might be fun to share 3 things we have found recently that we want to try out ourselves. Check 'em out below!
Read MoreI worked in the landscape construction business in Seattle for many years. Towards the end of my time up there, it seemed like I was working on a seemingly endless stream of new modern homes building a variety modern decks, patios, walls and fences to match. Now I get it some people hate it, some people love it, but for me I've always really enjoyed modern design. It has clean lines that create gorgeous symmetry, it maximizes space making things more sustainable, and it incorporates utility beautifully in a way that others styles fail.
Read MoreOur owner Alex recently did an interview with Jack Cameron over at the local blog Tacoma Stories. We transcribed the interview below for you to read here. Please do go and give Jack's site some love as well! He's got a ton of great content for you to check out and it's all dedicated to our beautiful city of Tacoma. Here's the interview:
Read MoreTo pour or not to pour, that is the question. To be honest, it's actually a question we get quite often. People want to build a new walkway, driveway or patio, but aren't sure how to choose between using concrete or using pavers. We thought we would take a couple of minutes to break it down for you, and make the decision a bit easier.
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